How to polish a car with no clear coat the easy way! First you need to know more... The polishing compound should only be ... read more ...
I will break down how to polish your car or bakkie with no clear coat.
First, you need to know how the paint differs from each other.
A 2k flat paint needs no clear coat on top. It's basically a clear coat with color powder mixed in. It is already UV resistant up to a point.
A 2-stage base coat and clear coat paint are separated. The base coat has the color powder followed by the clear coat.
The clear coat has more UV-resistant power and shine than a 1-stage 2k paint.
Next, let's look at the polishing compound you need to use.
A wide variety of compounds are available on the market.
A rubbing compound that is mostly found in any hardware store. This is very abrasive and should never be used on any car.
Then you get a coarse polishing compound from an auto paint dealer. This is used to remove deep scratches or down to 1500 grid sanding paper scratches. This is also not advised as you will most likely polish straight through your paint if you are not a trained professional.
Next, you will find a fine abrasive polishing compound also known as "finishing polish" from an auto paint dealer. The abrasives are very fine but can still be felt between your fingers. This is what you are looking for.
Next, you have wax. This is sold at auto parts stores and most gas stations. It can be found in a liquid spray or a paste form.
You will also need some masking tape to tape off any beadings. The polisher will burn into the beadings, so cover it with 2 layers.
You need to do this in the shade or preferably under a roof away from the sun but with good lighting.
You can polish your car using the finishing polish compound. For the best results, you will need a rotary polisher or a dual-action polisher in the shape of a grinder. The polishers you buy from auto parts shops with two handles on the sides are worthless.
Add a few drops of water with your polishing compound and start moving. Do not stand still at one spot or risk polishing through your paint.
Don't move too fast, but don't come to a standstill. An average speed of about 5cm per second and your polisher speed almost at the lowest will be good enough if you are not a professional polisher.
Take your time. It is a good idea to do one panel at a time then wash and dry it to see the progress and if you missed any spots.
Make sure to wash off all the polish within an hour.
If this task seems high-risk, let us handle it for you!