Brake pads replacement with labor costs can range from R800 - to R3000 per axle depending on your car brand and model.
Brakes prices can vary significantly depending on the vehicle brand and quality of the parts.

Brake pads and rotors replacement
Brake discs should also be checked when replacing brake pads and replaced if needed. Rotors replacement cost can range from R800 - R3000 per axle extra

Sodablasting rusted brakes
Classic car restorations mostly require sodablasting on brake rotors, calipers and brake drums to get rid of rust.
Prices to sodablast brakes can range from R400 - R1000 per axle, depending on the severity of rust and type of brakes.
All of this can be done in-house.

Caliper painting
Caliper painting is not only used for styling, but also protects the calipers from rust. If a bright color is not your style, we can also paint the calipers in black or silver.
Cost to paint calipers can range from R100 - R600 per caliper

Caliper repairs & rebuilds
Faulty brake calipers can be repaired, saving a ton of money by not replacing the calipers. Most manufacturers sell a rebuild kit that can range from R500 - R1000 per caliper plus labor for fitment.

Brake upgrades
Brake upgrades can be very necessary in performance cars and classic cars. Whether you need a disc brake conversion or custom performance brakes fitment, our in-house specialists can get it done.

Supply & install brake parts
We supply and fit new or reconditioned brakes, depending on your needs and availability of classic car parts.
Contact us for the best prices on your brakes.